Fresh, edgy, and real.


Grand Salon

Denver, CO

Grand Salon is a full-service Salon and MedSpa in Denver, Colorado. Working with them for almost a decade, the team at Grand are some of the coolest and most authentic people I have met. This is a big part of their brand and I made sure to keep things fresh, edgy, and real to reflect who they are and what they represent.


Logo & Visual Identity
Print Collateral

The Brand

At Grand Salon they take their craft seriously but have fun along the way. Each stylist cares so much about how their clients feel when they leave the salon and their personalities show it. Grand is Authentic. Cool. Caring.

“For over 10 years, Emily has guided Grand Salon’s brand identity with style and brilliance. Originally hired to navigate us through a re-branding, Emily has since become an integral, and permanent, part of our team. She takes our disjointed thoughts and our poorly-articulated goals and gives them beautiful, clear, on-brand, physical form - every time. Emily is a gifted creative, but it’s the range of her skill set beyond Design that makes her such an important part of our success. Website architecture, ad campaigns, social media identity building, staff training, SEO, database marketing, direct mailings and e-commerce solutions are just a few of the areas that fall well-inside of Emily’s wheelhouse. She’s an artist and a savvy media strategist with a unique blend of creative and technical skills that easily substitute for a team of marketing professionals. She’s indispensable.”

— Shelly Rewinkle, Owner | Grand Salon


The Kasserman


Sunset Cinema